Folktales are fictional stories that try to explain the way things are.

Fables are fictional stories that attempt to teach a lesson.

Fairy tales were originally for adults, not for children. Original fairy tales are very dark and scary and violent so children adore them. A fairy tale usually contains magic but not always.

Tall tales are stories about a larger-than-life character, either fictional or based on a real person who has exaggerated adventures and performs exaggerated feats of daring, strength, courage, and/or intelligence.

book-worm-detective-animationSOME STORIES THAT YOU CAN TELL AT YOUR CLASS images (3)



This story was made for kids about 4-5 years and we don’t want that they were scared by the wolf. The real objective of this story is that the kids learn that we don’t have to judge someone by the aparence, first we need to know about them and then we could judge. So we try to change the story and make ir our.

At the typical story of the three little pigs the wolf is a bad wolf who wants to scare the pigs and overthrow their houses.The wolf comes to the forest and he wants to make friends so when he arrives at home of the first little pig, he knocks the door because he wants to be his friend. When the little pig sais that he doesn’t want to open the door, the wolf starts crying and overthrows his house and the pig thinks that the wolf is a bad animal and overthrows his house intentionally. When the wolf goes to the second one house, the same happens again.

Finally, when the wolf goes to the house of the oldest pig, the three little pigs see that it is true. The woolf only wants to make friends. So they open the door and the woolf and the three little pigs make friends and sing together.nota-musicalnota-musical


The woolf shows children the vocabulary using the flashcards which are distributed in the class. The wolf is teaching them what is in the forest: flowers, trees, birds, butterflies and the sun.




To sing a song with the kids and repeat, to internalize the vocabulary and learn it. When we sing a song in class for first time, we need to be patient with the kids. first of all we only sing the first part of he song and then they repeat, then the second part and they repeat and like this since the end. Once we do that we can sing it all together but slow and at the final normal.

The lyric of the song:

” Look: SUN, FLOWERS and TREES. Look SUN, FLOWERS and TREES. Look SUN, FLOWERS and TREES, They’re shining all with me!”




We are going to work the vocabulary : fast, slow, run, walk, under, on, start and finish. So we are going to do the gestures and say the vocabulary at the same time and the ktis just have to repeat.


This is a good video for the teachers may be is not good for kids but can give you some ideas for telling the story in your class. Jim Weiss uses some fun techniques to tell the story.

Post- teaching

In the post teaching we are going to do a game. To play this game we need a poster of “finish” and a “start” sign which will be put at both ends of the class or the playground. We are going to make a track for children to follow. So they just have to follow your instructions, in which you will use the vocabulary we want to work. To make it more interesting we coluld make two teams (Green and Blue).

An example:

Boys and girls start under the poster wich says “start”. So the blue team begins the race walking very slowly and reaches the teacher’s desk where stay to rest. then, the green team runs very fast to arrive where the blue team is. Are you listening? It’s a storm. We hide under the tables to avoid getting wet. Go! Fast!

Now that the storm has finished, the blue team decides to go running to the top of a chair, and the green team starts to run but very slow. Both teams see the finsh line at the end of the class and run very, very fast until the end. 


peter final

Pre- teaching

In this story we are going to teach some verbs like: to play, to fly, to swim, to make friends, to sail, to read, to write, to listen… because it is vocabulary that is repeated throughout the story. So we are going to sing a song and teach this to our students. Since we are singing we can do gestures.

The song says:

Hi! How are you? What can you do?

– Play I can play. Play, I can play.Play play play play I want to play.

Hi! How are you? What can you do?

– Swim, I can swim. Swim I can swim. Swim swim swim I want to swim.

Hi! How are you? What can you do?

– Read, I can read. Read, I can read. Read read read I want to read.

Hi! How are you? What can you do?

– Write, I can write. Write, I can write.Write write write I want to write.

Hi! How are you? What can you do?

– Fly, I can fly.Fly, I can fly.Fly fly fly, I want to fly. 

Really? you can fly? No you can’t fly.

Fly I can’t fly. Fly I can’t fly. Fly fly fly, I can’t fly.


We are going to do a mime game in wich the kids are going to represent a short scene of the story that have the vocabulary that we want the kids to learn. Some exemples can be “Peter Pan is flying”, “the kids are playing” etc.

An other funny game that you can do is: one person have a paper in his front (he/she can’t see it) wich have a word or picture about the vocabulary and the other kids have to do with mim the action and the child have to gess the verb.




We will learn the colours with the sence. To have the kids attention we are going to bring at class some foods of different colours and we are going to say wich is the colour of the diferent foods.

lemon- yellow

orange- orange

grapes – purple

pear- green

strawberry- red

candyfloss – pink

chocolate- brown

white chocolate- white

So when they know more or less the foods that we have and the colours we are going to make a little game! One child with the ayes cover will try one aliment and they have to guess the aliment. Then the teacher ask the question ¿ And which is the colour of ________ ? probably they say the name in spanish but then the teacher have to say the colour in english and the class have to repeat the colour.



The kids will do this exersice in wich they will practice the colours that they learn.

Elmer's CBN - NEWAt the same time they can listen Elmer’s song!

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